ASCIA Renovables associates with Falck Renewables, Sponsor of the wind farm Carrecastro
- July 25, 2018
José A. Corchado, founder and CEO at ASCIA, and Fabrizio Tortora, Head of Business Development and M&A for Southern Europe, on behalf of Falck Renewables SpA, on July 25, 2018 signed an entry agreement of the Italian operator as sponsor of the wind project located in Tordesillas and Velilla, province of Valladolid (Spain).
The project has a capacity of 10 MW and will have 4 turbines, with an estimated production of 33 GWh / year. The partners foresee that the works will begin this autumn and will end in the summer of 2019.

ASCIA RENEWABLES will carry out project and works management services, also participating in operations management, together with Vector Cuatro. “We signed the agreement with enthusiasm. After some difficult years for the renewable energy sector in Spain, this project represents a new stage of expansion of our group as IPP “comments José A. Corchado.
GRUPO ASCIA has extensive experience in the implementation of wind farms in the Castilla y León region. In December 2012, it sold its interests in the Matabuey wind farm located in Garcihernández (Salamanca) of 16 MW and in 2016 the Concejiles wind farm located in Sorihuela (Salamanca) of 11.69 MW. In addition, it has shared the development of wind farms and photovoltaic with top international companies.