Interview with José Antonio Corchado, CEO of ASCIA
The ASCIA Renovables team is now returning to the workplace. This highlights the capacity and shows how quickly the company has managed to adapt to both the state of alarm and the deescalation.
Today we are interviewing José Antonio Corchado, CEO of ASCIA Renovables, to find out about the current situation in the company and how this new context has been experienced.

What is the current situation at ASCIA after these months of crisis?
At ASCIA, our main commitment has been to look after the health of our team and, after a prolonged lockdown and a full-time teleworking for more than three months, we are gradually returning to the new normal in the office, coming two days a week for now. We have implemented an internal health and hygiene safety protocol, and provided each employee with a preventive package (masks, hand sanitizers, etc.). Thanks to the arrangement of the office furniture, and the wide distance between each employee, we have been able to return safe and comfortably.
How has team communication worked within the organization when working from home?
Especially now, we are realizing the importance of connectivity and digitization, and the working from home formula has been a challenge for all those accustomed to on-site work. In this regard, we have opted for weekly follow-up conferences, mainly through Microsoft Teams, and to encourage the use of new collaborative tools and applications, in order to keep us aligned and informed about our colleagues activities and priorities.
Indeed, working from home has been simple and effective. We have a very committed team that has been able to adapt and meet new needs quickly, so this working method, which was new for everyone, has proved to be a success.
Has this experience helped you to improve internal procedures?
There is no doubt it has really helped us to identify new work procedures and a more efficient management model. We have started to implement new practices and methods that, even though they may look simple, they have greatly favored our work routine and the internal organization of activities and documentation, especially.
Have new opportunities been identified?
The lockdown has given us the chance for an intense reflection. We have identified new opportunities and we keep working on the consolidation of a high quality project portfolio. Additionally, this new economic context has shown the importance of our field of action and the market in which we operate. Especially in these extreme conditions, it is of great importance to maintain energy infrastructures and to ensure energy supply to everybody. Thus, our main commitment is to contribute to climate change mitigation and to align ourselves, in this regard, with the needs of our partners and investors to face the challenges of the energy transition and the need for a sustainable business model.
At ASCIA, we recognize the needs of a society that is increasingly concerned and responsible with its living standard and environment. This motivates us to keep working on our business strategy and the development of renewable energy projects.
We are well aware that companies need to move fast and be able to react quickly to new opportunities. Additionally, it is particularly significant to count on good travel companions who can walk along with us in the same direction.
On a personal level, what has this situation meant for the companys corporate management? What is the greatest learning that you would highlight after this experience?
We are going through unprecedented times, and this has led us to devote greater effort and to show up new initiatives. The quality and commitment of the vast majority have been well demonstrated.
I would highlight the learning of a more horizontal and much less hierarchical relationship between us easyed by the intense implementation of communication technologies. This will surely let us make decissions in a more effective way, and thus to improve the management of our projects, both essential for being competitive in our field.
Which position do renewables have after crisis?
This crisis accelerates the energy transition. New investments shoulf focus on reviving the economy should also be targeted at leading sectors, in order to create wealth and employment.
Renewables are now greatly strengthened. In addition, the need to mobilize private investment is bringing us an increased cooperation between the public sector and private players in the well known energy transition.